Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Coming Home

So, what to write?

I sorta have meeting at 10 pm today, yep on a public holiday.
Not for *work*, but sorta for my future, I need to be able to bend and be flexible with things if I want my shit to stay intact and not burst.

But thing is I don't know if the other party have accepted the invitation or not.

Weekend has been eventful. I wanted a weekend in to enjoy every bit of 4 days off work, but alas - priorities. Seeing everyone that I am not close with but have to function properly because blood was a challenge, but I think I did pretty good.

Didn't see Abah though and to be honest, I am not surprised. At all.


My thoughts have been jumping from point A to point B and at this rate I think I'm running out of alphabets as a reference point to all of the weird ideas my brain has been exploring. I don't know if it is because of what I am doing now, and that I am too comfortable doing it -- I feel like I am not made for something else. Like, you know, I think to myself "Hm, I might enjoy doing *that* and I might have all the experience needed for it" one day and the next day would be "No, who am I kidding, me?" shit that has been going on lately and it is exhausting. Truth to be told, I need a way out, pronto!

Am I thinking too much?
I am definitely thinking too much, right?


I found this new stranger is too good to be true. Good looks, insightful conversations and creative flair to boot.

Of which why I have been hiding under my social cloak, and hope one day both my admiration towards him and the person itself would dissipates into thin air. Because I suck at turning admiration into something meaty and meaningful for myself, because "who am I kidding, me?".

One day, if I finally meet my man, I need to congratulate him and celebrate the fact that I am no longer awkward around the person I fancy. Because, I am such an awkward penguin.


63 days to my next adventure!

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